Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris: The Committed Photo-Text
We were delighted that our paper on Stephanie Oursler’s Un Album di Violenza (An Album of Violence) and (More than) Dust by Jamie Oliveira: Decades of Violence was accepted for this fascinating conference in Paris entitled Le Phototexte engagé: Du militantisme aux luttes de visibilité and organised by Magali Nachtergael, Charlotte Foucher Zarmanian and Marie-Anne Paveau.
We were part of Session 5, Intimité exposée, intimité engagée with Clara Bouveresse, of Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, who presented the paper Le journal intime et politique d’Abigail Heyman: phototexte engagé et féminisme aux États-Unis dans les années 1970.